/* Enables/Disables GunGame Mod */
"Enabled" "1"
/* Display a join message, popup giving players instructions on how to play */
/* When menus are implement it will be a pop otherwise they will have to look in console */
"JoinMessage" "1"
/* Give player -1 level if they kill themself by WorldSpawn Suicide */
"WorldspawnSuicide" "1"
/* Enables or disables -1 level if they use the "kill" command */
"CommitSuicide" "1"
/* Enables or disables built in Afk management system */
"AfkManagement" "1"
/* Kick player on x number of afk deaths. */
"AfkDeaths" "5"
* What action to deal with the player when the maximum is reach?
* 1 = Kick, 2 = Move to spectate.
"AfkAction" "2"
/* Give x number of level by completing the bomb planting/defusing objectives.
* Amount giving base on the value setting.
"ObjectiveBonus" "1"
/* Enables objective bonus on last level */
"ObjectiveBonusWin" "0"
* Gives joining players the avg level of all other players when they join late.
* If you're in the top10, you do not get this handicap even if it is turned on.
"HandicapMode" "0"
* Allow players in the top10 to receive a handicap with the rest of the players.
* Handicap must also be turned on above for this to work.
"Top10Handicap" "0"
/* Can bots win the game otherwise when they reach the last weapon and nothing will happen */
"BotsCanWinGame" "0"
/* How many levels they can gain in 1 round */
"MaxLevelPerRound" "3"
/* Turbo Mode */
"TurboMode" "1"
/* Triple Level Bonus - Current not implmented*/
"TripleLevelBonus" "0"
/* Turn Knife Pro allow stealing a player level by killing them with a knife */
"KnifePro" "1"
/* Enables Knife Pro when a player is on hegrenade level */
"KnifeProHE" "1"
/* Knife Elite force them to only have a knife after they level up.
They will get a normal weapon again next round */
"KnifeElite" "0"
* How many kills they need to with the weapon to get the next level
* Kills will count across all rounds so that you don't have to get them in one round.
"MinKillsPerLevel" "1"
/* The minimum level that a player must be at before another player can knife steal from. Requires KnifePro on. */
"KnifeProMinLevel" "6"
/* Enables Warmup Round*/
"WarmupEnabled" "1"
/* Decides when warmup round starts. 1 = When each team has a player. 2 = At the start of map load finish. */
"WarmupStartup" "2"
/* Warmup time length */
"WarmupTimeLength" "50"
/* Knife only during warmup otherwise allow them to use the default weapon*/
"WarmupKnifeOnly" "1"
/* Allow players to keep their levels after warmup otherwise it will reset to level 1 after warmup. */
"ResetLevelAfterWarmup" "1"
/* This gives the player a glock with 50 bullets */
"NadeGlock" "0"
/* Gives a smoke grenade*/
"NadeSmoke" "0"
/* Gives a Flash grenade */
"NadeFlash" "0"
/* Gives an extra hegrenade to the player if they get a kill */
"ExtraNade" "0"
/* Remove objectives from map. 0 = Disabled, 1 = BOMB, 2 = HOSTAGE, 3 = BOTH*/
"RemoveObjectives" "0"
/* Enabled friendly fire automatically when a player reaches hegrenade level */
"AutoFriendlyFire" "0"
* Prune player from player win database after numbers of days if they
* havn't been in the server in awhile. This occur during map change.
* It it recommended that you set a value to this setting. Over time as
* the player win database get filled up. It can cause long map changes.
* 0 = off otherwise the value is the number of days.
"Prune" "30"
"IntroSound" "gungame/gungame2.wav"
"KnifeLevel" "gungame/knife_level.wav"
"NadeLevel" "gungame/nade_level.wav"
"LevelSteal" "gungame/smb3_1-up.wav"
"LevelUp" "gungame/smb3_powerup.wav"
"LevelDown" "gungame/smb3_powerdown.wav"
"Triple" "gungame/smb_star.mp3"
"Autoff" "gungame/smb_warning2.mp3"
"MultiKill" "common/stuck1.wav"
"Winner" "music/HL2_song15.mp3"